Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela has created ripples with her stunning avatar at a gala event. Urvashi has made several hearts skip a beat with her smoking hot avatar. The tinsel town diva oozed confidence while striking a pose for the camera. Urvashi carried her sparkling outfit with panache at the event in Dubai. Urvashi loves experimenting with her looks and her Instagram profile is a proof of it. Urvashi, who enjoys a significant fan following on social media, often displays her love for shimmery outfits on Instagram. Urvashi had set the internet on fire when she posted this photo. Urvashi Rautela is sight to behold in this outfit, isn't it? On the professional front, Urvashi will be next seen in 'Inspector Avinash', which also stars Randeep Hooda. Isn't she looking drop-dead gorgeous in this photo? (All PICS Credit: Instagram)