Analysing over 60,000 games across platforms, a study by Cribbage Online listed games that take the longest to finish

Here are the 10 games that take longest to complete

10. Animal Crossing (Nintendo GameCube) — 100% Completion: 607 hours Story completion: 69 hours | Story and extras completion: 161 hours

9. Clash of Clans (Mobile) — 100% Completion: 625 hours Story completion: 21 hours | Story and extras completion: 24 hours

8. Gran Turismo 5 (PlayStation 3) — 100% Completion: 636 hours Story completion: 45 hours | Story and extras completion: 123 hours

7. NetHack (PC) — 100% Completion: 649 hours Story completion: 9 hours | Story and extras completion: 82 hours

6. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS) — 100% Completion: 718 hours Story completion: 49 hours | Story and extras completion: 86 hours

5. Rock Band 4 (PlayStation 4, Xbox One) — 100% Completion: 937 hours Story completion: 12 hours | Story and extras completion: 107 hours

4. Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith (PC) — 100% Completion: 1,000 hours Story completion: 40 hours | Story and extras completion: 70 hours

3. Monster Hunter (PlayStation 2) — 100% Completion: 1,023 hours Story completion: 49 hours | Story and extras completion: 88 hours

2. Sid Meier's Civilization V (PC) — 100% Completion: 1,214 hours Story completion: 13 hours | Story and extras completion: 144 hours

1. ADOM: Ancient Domains Of Mystery (PC) — 100% Completion: 2,000 hours Story completion: 80 hours | Story and extras completion: 100 hours