Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain hosted a Holi party for their tv industry friends on Monday. Rajiv Adatia shared glimpses of the same on Instagram. Popular TV celebs can be seen having a gala time at the Holi bash. Drenched in the colours of joy, the celebs can be seen being all smiles. Bigg Boss 17 runner-up Abhishek Kumar also attended the Holi bash. Nia Sharma all soaked in colours, struck a pose with Rajiv. Shiv Thakare, Chetna Pandey, Kanika Mann and other celebs were also present. Rajiv also struck a pose with Manisha Rani who looked pretty in a white lehenga. Ankita and Vicky's Holi bash was full of fun and the pictures are proof. All Image: Rajiv Adatia/Instagram.