How Elon Musk's Blindsight Can Resolve Sight Issues

After Nueralink's success with its first human brain implant patient playing chess with the power of his mind, Elon Musk's new focus is on making blind people see.

Blindsight symbolises much more than just a technological advancement. It is a daring reimagining of the potential of human perception.

The process starts with capturing visual data by a camera or a similar device. It is then processed by a computer to transform it into electrical impulses.

They are then transmitted to the implanted Neuralink device. It generates patterns of stimulation in the visual cortex, mimicking natural visual perception.

For individuals with impaired visual pathways, this approach provides an alternative path, allowing the brain to receive visual information without relying on conventional routes.

The final objective is to stimulate the brain in such a way that it will enable the individual to interpret these signals as meaningful visual data.

It is thrilling to envision a future where challenges such as blindness can be solved. It will grant individuals a renewed sense of independence.

However, the vision of restoring sight through BCIs is still in its early stages.

Neuralink is not the only player in the realm of BCI tech but, its device sets itself apart with a greater number of electrodes, signalling at broader potential applications in the future.

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