December 21 Tarot Card Revelations For Your Zodiac Sign Aries: You are embracing clarity of thought that is giving you fresh perspective and clear communication in your endeavours. Taurus: Approach situations with an open heart and curiosity. Cards indicate new beginnings in creativity. Gemini: Continue to apply a steady, methodical approach to achieve emotional fulfillment and material success Cancer: You are celebrating the achievement of a personal goal. Cards indicate a change in job or house. Leo: Choose your battles wisely, prioritize resolution over confrontation, and avoid unnecessary discord. Virgo: You are resolving conflicts and finding common grounds that will lead you to overcome challenges fostering harmony. Libra: You are being guided you to approach situations with a strong and organized mindset. This will help in effective decision making. Scorpio: Plan strategically, explore new opportunities, and embrace the potential for growth on the horizon Sagittarius: Avoid temptations and break free from unhealthy patterns in order to find inner balance. Capricorn: You are inspired to pursue new creative endeavours. You are full of curiosity, and a willingness to learn. Aquarius: You are being guided to assess responsibilities, delegate tasks, and seek support to lighten the load on your journey. Pisces: Trust the natural cycles of change, but be thoughtful and deliberate in your choices to navigate the uncertainties ahead. Tarot readings by: Soma Chatterjee