Bollywood divas are setting the bar high on how to wear a suit. Kiara Advani is making hot pink the color of the season and nailing the unconventional suit look. Kareena, a pro in power dressing, recently donned this chic purple suit and we can't help but love it. On the other hand, Malaika kept it basic with a white suit with a twist of sparkle. Talk about rooting for classics. Janhvi in the corset top and black suit is a treat to the eyes. We know oversized is the ultimate trend and this metallic suit on Ananya is a proof. One can never go wrong with red and flares. Deepika surely knows what to handpick. And Jacqueline proves there is nothing wrong with and just the right amount of bling. Here, Karisma gave the western suit an ethnic twist with the patch work. Athiya Shetty in the sleek and satin suit has convinced us to bring this to our own wardrobe.