Sushant Singh Rajput took over hearts of a millions with his iconic performances. Born in Patna, Bihar, the actor went on to scale new heights with his TV break in 'Pavitra Rishta'. Sushant was an engineering student who dropped out of college to pursue a career in acting. Bagging the lead role as Manav in 'Pavitra Rishta', he became a household name. Sushant made his Bollywood debut with 'Kai Po Che' in 2013. He then went on to star in 'Shuddh Desi Romance', 'PK' and 'Detective Byomkesh Bakshi'. He proved his mettle with his impeccable performance in the biopic 'MS Dhoni'. Sushant is said to have died by suicide on June 14, 2020 but the investigation is still on. The actor was found handing from a ceiling fan in his Mumbai home. Sushant is one of the actors who will always be remembered for his performance.