Ranveer Singh attended director Shankar’s daughter Aishwarya Shankar’s wedding. Along with many Tamil stars, Ranveer was present for the wedding bash. The Bollywood actor set the stage on fire at the party. In a video shared on social media, Ranveer was seen dancing with Jawan director Atlee. They were seen dancing to Thalapathy Vijay's song Appadi Podu. Ranveer and Atlee also swayed to Shah Rukh Khan’s Lungi Dance. Shankar’s eldest daughter Aishwarya was earlier married to cricketer Damodaran Rohit. She tied the knot in Chennai on April 15. Pictures and video from the wedding have gone viral on social media. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan and many other prominent people attended the wedding.