Sonam Kapoor attended her friend's wedding with husband Anand Ahuja. She chose a stunning traditional ensemble for the occasion, fashioned from a real old Banarasi saree. In her most recent pictures, Sonam is seen wearing a saree-made lehenga choli ensemble. She shared beautiful pictures of herself and her spouse on social media as well. The outfit that Sonam is wearing is from the Jigya label, which is owned by designer Jigya Patel. Sonam mentioned that the silver jewelry she wears is made from genuine antiques. Anand Ahuja, meanwhile, was donning a stunning Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla kurta with resham embroidery. Sonam is wearing juttis that she got from Fizzy Goblet. The mix of colors used in Sonam's silk lehenga choli outfit is vibrant. Photo credit: Instagram