Sobhita Dhulipala brightened up the trailer premiere ceremony in Alibaug in a gorgeous outfit. In the upcoming film ‘Night Manager’, Sobhita Dhulipala will co-star with Anil Kapoor and Aditya Roy Kapoor. She wore a spaghetti strap crop top with a deep neckline and string detailing to go with it. Wearing an organza ruffled skirt, she acted as a muse for the fashion brand July. Sobhita donned glitzy makeup, including shimmery eyes and glossy lip colour. Sobhita wore a pair of colourful dangling earrings and some striking rings. Sobhita Dhulipala’s crop top and ruffled skirt combo can be your go-to date look. She tied her hair back in a bun. She captioned the pics, “Bright bright noon sunlight. Maximum energy. Mega excitement.” Images Source: Instagram/sobhitad