Sobhita Dhulipala Dropped A Series Of Striking Pictures- Check All Here Sobhita Dhulipala dazzled the internet with a Diwali cracker box adorned with her own face. She shared a mirror selfie donning a brown outfit and a red scarf against a white background, exuding an aesthetic vibe. The actress has been gearing up for her Hollywood debut on the professional front The movie, set to hit cinemas on April 5, is going to mark a significant milestone in her career. Demonstrating captivating elegance, she posted another picture from a restaurant, dressed in maroon against a white background. Sobhita's Hollywood debut will also feature co-stars Dev Patel and Sikandar Kher in prominent roles. Titled 'Monkey Magic,' the film promises to be a compelling revenge story. Infusing a funky vibe with her hat, she effortlessly stole the spotlight in yet another mirror selfie. All images: Instagram/Sobhita Dhulipala