6 MYTHS And FACTS About Turmeric Milk

Myth #1: Turmeric in milk is a cure-all for every ailment

Fact: Turmeric has many health benefits but it's not a cure-all. It can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet, but should not be relied upon for serious medical conditions.

Myth #2: Turmeric in milk can cure cancer

Fact: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that turmeric milk can cure cancer. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has potential anti-cancer properties, but it is not a standalone treatment for cancer. Cancer treatment should be pursued under medical professionals.

Myth #3: Turmeric in milk can help you lose weight

Fact: Studies suggest the curcumin in turmeric may have a role in weight management, but consuming turmeric milk alone will not lead to significant weight loss, which requires a holistic approach involving diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

Myth #4: Turmeric in milk can improve memory and cognitive function

Fact: Turmeric may have cognitive benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but it is not a miracle memory-enhancing remedy.

Myth #5: Turmeric in milk can alleviate all types of pain

Fact: Anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric may help reduce pain associated with conditions like arthritis. Still, it is not a universal painkiller and should not replace prescribed pain medications when needed.

Myth #6: Turmeric in milk can treat insomnia

Fact: Turmeric in milk is not a scientifically proven treatment for insomnia. Insomnia has various causes, and turmeric's mild calming effects aren't a reliable solution

Expert suggestions by Garima Dev Verman, nutritionist and medical content analyst with a health literacy platform