How NASA Observes the Moon from space
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How NASA Observes the Moon from space

Published by: ABP News Bureau
Image Source: NASA
The Full Moon
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The Full Moon

The Full Moon is pictured from the International Space Station.

New Moon begins setting above Earth
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New Moon begins setting above Earth

The New Moon begins setting above the Earth's bright, colorful atmosphere in this long-duration photograph taken from space.

Moon in Third Quarter Phase
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Moon in Third Quarter Phase

The Moon reaches third quarter phase surrounded by the black of space as the International Space Station orbited 260 miles above the Indian Ocean.

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The Moon passes in front of the Sun

Moon passes in front of the Sun during the annular solar eclipse in this photograph taken by Expedition 70 Flight Engineer Jasmin Moghbeli aboard the International Space Station. (Image: NASA)

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Full Moon above Indian Ocean

The Full Moon pictured above Earth's horizon as the International Space Station soared 262 miles above the Indian Ocean south of the African island nation of Madagascar.

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Moon above Earth’s horizon

The waning gibbous Moon is pictured just above Earth's horizon.

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Moon above Earth's horizon

The waning gibbous Moon is pictured above the Earth's horizon from the International Space Station.

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New Moon sets

New Moon sets behind Earth’s colorful, but dimming atmosphere.

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The full Moon

The full Moon in August, both a Blue Moon and supermoon, glows brightly over Earth