Five Challengers To Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 (Rs 99,999): It features a dual camera with two 12-megapixel sensors and a 3,700 mAh battery support. Moto Razr 40 Ultra (Rs 89,999): The phone features a 3.6-inch pOLED display with a 144 Hz refresh rate and has a 3,800 mAh battery. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 (Rs 89,999): The phone comes with a 6.7-inch main AMOLED 2x display and a 3,7000 mAh battery. Oppo Find N2 Flip (Rs 89,999): It features a 50-megapixel main sensor, a 32-megapixel selfie snapper and a 4,300 mAh battery support. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 (Rs 49,999): It also has two 12-megapixel cameras on the back and a 10-megapixel one on the front. Moto Razr 40 (Rs 59,999): The phone features a 64-megapixel main sensor with OIS and a 4,200 mAh battery.