Rrahul Narain Kanal, the chief of the Yuva Sena, married Dolly Chainani. Along with Salman Khan, the wedding ceremony was graced by many more celebs. Salman showed up for the wedding along with his family. Sohail Khan also posed with the groom, Rrahul Narain Kanal. Arpita Khan, Salman and Sohail's sister, was also spotted at the wedding. Besides B-town celebs, television personalities such as Bigg Boss fame Abdu Rozik also attended the event. Actor Maniesh Paul happily posed for pictures at the wedding. Actors Mahhi Vij and Jay Jay Bhanushali were spotted with their daughter, Tara. Arti Singh was seen dressed in a pink and yellow lehenga for the wedding. Photo credit: Manav Manglani