On the occasion of Eid, Aayush Sharma and Arpita Khan Sharma threw a party for their B-town friends. For the Eid party, Shehnaaz Gill chose a dark pink ensemble. Disha Patani came in a green saree. Kangana Ranaut wore a green and yellow sharara set. Salman Khan showed up to his sister and brother-in-law's Eid celebration. Genelia Deshmukh and Riteish Deshmukh. Katrina Kaif wore a magnificent ethnic attire. Parents-to-be Ishita Dutta and Vatsal Sheth. Suniel Shetty wore a blue co-ord set and white sneakers. Aamir Khan and Kartik Aaryan posed together. Preity Zinta also came last night during the Eid party. Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ka Jaan actress Pooja Hegde. Images Source: Manav Manglani