The cast of the popular show arrived for the screening of her show Rocket Boys season 2 in Mumbai on Friday. Jim Sarbh and Ishwak Singh, the two main leads of the show, posed together on the red carpet. Jim Sarbh donned a floral blazer-trouser set paired with a black shirt. Meanwhile, Ishwak Singh chose an all black suit for the event. Girls Hostel fame Srishti Shrivastava was also among the attendees. Regina picked the perfect metallic dress for the special screening. Hrithik Roshan was also seen posing for the shutterbugs at the event. Hrithik Roshan joined his girlfriend and actor Saba Azad for the screening of her show. Saba wore a white dress with a plunging neckline with a curly hairstyle. Photo credit: Manav Manglani