Rhea Chakraborty attended Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar's wedding bash last night, which was hosted by film producer Ritesh Sidhwani. Rhea nailed the bridesmaid fashion game again. She drew attention in a sultry red dress. Her edgy dress had a high thigh slit. She wore the same colour heels as her dress. She beautifully carried red statement earrings. With so many celebrities present at the party, the night was indeed spectacular. Rhea Chakraborty was most recently seen in the film Chehre, with Amitabh Bachchan and Emraan Hashmi. She recently posted a photo of herself at a recording studio. After a two-year hiatus, the 29-year-old actor returned to work. Riya posing for the photographers. ( Image Credits: Manav Manglani )