Rumoured couple Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna are back in the country from their Maldives Vacation. Rashmika and Vijay were spotted at the Mumbai airport, however they were not clicked together. Rashmika Mandanna was dressed in all white. Rashmika and Vijay were earlier spotted at the airport on Oct 7 and reports of their Maldives vacation started doing the rounds. With their return to the country on the same day, it is almost confirmed that they were vacationing together. Few fans had spotted that Rashmika was wearing Vijay's sunglasses in one of her pictures. Vijay was spotted wearing a black shirt which he paired with black pants at the airport. Rashmika and Vijay are rumoured to be dating each other for some time. Rashmika has been posting pictures of her vacation on Instagram. Both of them have worked in films such as Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade.