Ranbir Kapoor takes home his 'dulhaniya' Alia Bhatt. Ranbir Kapoor lifted Alia Bhatt in his arms during the couple's first media appearance. Ranbir-Alia as husband and wife post their nuptials. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt tied the knot on April 14,2022 in a fairytale wedding. Ranbir Kapoor recreates ‘Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge’ with wife Alia. The couple was dressed in white and gold shimmery attire from ace fashion designer Sabyasachi’s collection. Ranbir and Alia's team also distributed sweet boxes to members of the media stationed outside their residence. A few minutes before appearing in front of the media, Alia also shared her official wedding pictures. Ranbir-Alia posed as husband & wife post their fairytale wedding. Our heartiest congratulations to the newlyweds.