Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are riding high on the success of Brahmastra. The film is topping charts by grossing over Rs 120 crore at the domestic box office. The Ayan Mukerji directorial has crossed Rs 200 crore at the global box office. 'Brahmastra' is being lauded for its spectacular VFX. The film also has a cameo appearance by Shah Rukh Khan and a spin off of the same is in talks. Ranbir and Alia slayed ethnic looks as they jetted off to Ahmedabad for the film's promotion. Alia and Ranbir are also getting a lot of appreciation for their on-screen chemistry. The parents-to-be looked fab in ethnic wears. They play the characters of Shiva and Isha in the film. All image courtesy: Manav Manglani.