Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Ayan Mukerji were in the national capital for 'Brahmastra' promotions. Ranbir and Alia addressed the media and talked about their expectations from the film. 'Brahmastra' promises to be one of the highest openers of the year given its storyline and VFX. Made on a budget of Rs 410 crore, 'Brahmastra' is the costliest Indian film of all times. It is also India's own version of a multiverse called the Astraverse. The parents-to-be Ranbir and Alia slayed in their super stylish looks. Ranbir Kapoor said that he is a firm believer of Lord Shiva, just like his character named after the God. Alia said that she would like to imply her character Isha's adventurous nature in real life. The adorable couple stole the show with their on-spot chemistry. Here's Alia treating everyone to Kesariya in her own voice.