Family members snapped entering the groom RK 'Vastu' residence. Ranbir Kapoor & Alia Bhatt's Haldi Neetu and Riddhima spotted outside Vastu for Ranbir and Alia's Haldi ceremony. Dressed in beautiful ethnic attires, the mother-daughter duo posed for the paps. Bride Alia's mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt were also spotted arriving at the groom's residence. Shaheen looked elegant in her yellow traditional attire. Meanwhile, bride's father Mahesh Bhatt was clicked during his morning walk session. Neetu Kapoor was seen sporting a yellow coloured ethnic wear for her son's Haldi ceremony. Riddhima chose a light mint coloured ethnic outfit. Alia Bhatt's Juhu's residence all decked up in light ahead of her grand wedding. A contingent of policemen deployed at wedding venue 'Vastu' to ensure the smooth movement of the baraat.