'RRR' actor Ram Charan rang in his 38th birthday on Monday. Celebs arrived in style for his b'day bash. 'Major' actor Adivi Sesh opted for a casual look in a red t-shirt and dark blue denims. Ram Charan's 'Magadheera' co-star Kajal Aggarwal also arrived with hubby Gautam Kichhlu. The Akkineni family including Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya were also present. Rana Daggubati looked suave in a black full sleeved t-shirt and dark blue jeans. Vijay Deverakonda slayed with his dapper looks in a white pantsuit. Birthday boy Ram Charan opted for an all black look while wife Upasana wore a blue sheath dress. 'RRR' music director MM Keeravani was also present for Ram Charan's birthday bash. Director SS Rajamouli also made an appearance at the star studded birthday celebration. All Image: PR Handout.