Bollywood couple Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa got married in a beautiful and dreamy affair in Chandigarh. While the newlyweds wedding photos have taken over the internet check out these new pics going viral on social media. Bride Patralekhaa wore a red tulle embroidered buti sari paired with an embroidered veil. Farah Khan tied the sehra for Rajkumar. Newlyweds posing with Haryana CM Manoharlal Khattar who graced the reception ceremony. Bride Patralekhaa posing with her pets. Groom Rajkumar opted for a Bangalore silk kurta and churidar by Sabyasachi. Another breathtaking click from the couple's wedding. Patralekhaa’s embroidered veil was inscribed with a Bengali verse penned by Sabyasachi for the couple to mark their special day. Our heartiest congratulations to Rajkumar and Patralekhaa.