The 95th Academy Awards' Best Documentary Short Award went to the Tamil documentary The Elephant Whisperers. The Elephant Whisperers, directed by Kartiki Gonsalves, follows the journey of a native South Indian couple named Bomman and Bellie. Their entire lives have been devoted to taking care of the two orphaned elephant calves. The documentary's director is a Mumbai-based photographer and filmmaker. In the movie, two abandoned elephant calves named Raghu and Amu and their carers Bomman and Belli form an unbreakable bond. The movie's cinematographers are Krish Makhija and Karan Thapliyal. The story was written by Priscilla Gonsalves. Kartiki Gonsalves first encountered Bomman and his baby elephant, Raghu, during a visit to her hometown of Ooty five years ago. Bomman, the elephants' keeper, said that a day ago, a few men chased the two elephants into the Krishnagiri forest. Kartiki's goal for the documentary was to highlight the link between humans and nature. It will start streaming on the digital platform on December 8, 2022.