Nusrat Jahan and Yash Dasgupta were spotted in a festive mood as they celebrated Durga puja together. Nusrat and Yash stepped out together on the 7th day of Durga Puja. Nusrat was seen in a teal saree with a golden border and a large choker necklace. Nusrat and Yash in full festive mood as they tried hands at dhol. Nusrat shared solo photos on her Instagram page with a caption: “Subho Maha Saptami” Along with teal coloured saree, she also wore teal and gold bangles. The couple posed outside Durga Puja pandal with fans. Nusrat recently sparked rumours of a secret wedding with Yash, as she shared pictures from his birthday celebrations. Yash’s cake had the words ‘husband’ and ‘dad’ written on it. Nusrat and Yash welcomed their first child, Yishaan, in August.