Sonu Sood Heading For a Vacation With Family. Sonu Sood was clicked by the paparazzi with his family while he was heading for a vacation. His wife was seen dressed in blue jeans, black top and a black jacket. He was seen in an all black outfit which he paired with bright white sneakers and black shades. The actor recently opened up about his upcoming action thriller film 'Fateh'. The film, which will be directed by Vaibhav Mishra, is said to go into production in 2023. A special international crew is said to be flown in from Los Angeles to choreograph the action sequences. Starring Sonu Sood and Jacqueline Fernandez, the film is produced by Zee Studios and Shakti Sagar Productions. Recently, he had also collaborated with Tiktok star Khaby Lame and the video became viral in no time. Apart from 'Fateh' he will also be seen in the Tamil movie 'Thamilarasan'.