Manikarnika is the actual life story of Queen of Jhansi, also known as Lakshmi Bai. Gunjan Saxena focuses on an Indian Air Force commander and former helicopter pilot. Shakuntala Devi is a film about an Indian mental calculator known as the Human Computer. Raazi, an adaptation of the novel 'Calling Sehmat', is a true-life story of a spy. Neerja is the story of Neerja Bhanot, who risked her life while protecting the passengers on Pan Am Flight 73 in 1986. Chhapaak is based on a real-life case of acid attack violence and the story of a survivor (Laxmi Aggarwal). Mary Kom is a biographical sports film focused on the eponymous boxer Mary Kom. Thalaivi depicts the life of actor-turned-chief minister Jayaram Jayalalitha, who overcame humiliation and political failure. Dangal is based on Indian female wrestlers Geeta and Babita Phogat. Photo credit: IMDb