This week's top spot on IMDb's list of popular Indian celebrities goes to Sharvari Wagh. The second place on the list has been taken up by actor Deepika Padukone. Out of all the Indian celebrities, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan comes in third. With her impeccable fashion sense, Disha Patani took fourth place. Shalini Pandey, who costarred with Sharvari in Maharaj, is ranked fifth. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan took sixth place. The seventh-ranked celebrity is director Nag Ashwin. Prabhas, the star of Kalki 2898 AD, came in eighth position. Ninth rank went to Triptii Dimri, the ‘national crush’ who made waves after Animal. Ranked tenth is Jaideep Ahlawat, who played the antagonist Jadunath Maharaj in Maharaj.