The opening ceremony of IFFI 2021 took place at Goa on Saturday. Actress Mouni Roy performed at the opening ceremony of IFFI. Being a fabulous performer she is, it was hard to take eyes off her. The 'Brahmastra' actress can be seen wearing a red lehenga as she set the stage on fire. Mouni also shared some pictures on her social media from backstage. She wore a red lehenga with golden embeliished borders designed by Anuradha Khurana. Mouni is also a trained Kathak and Ballerina dancer. Other B'Town celebs like Salman Khan, Shraddha Kapoor and others also shook a leg at IFFI 2021. The cutest couple of Bollywood Riteish and Genelia also entertained the audience with their magical performance. Here's a glimpse of Ranveer Singh's electrifying and energetic performance.