World Snake Day 2024: The 9 Rarest Snakes In The World
1. Tancitaran Dusky Rattlesnake is found in pine-oak forests in west-central Mexico; it is rare due to habitat decline from volcanic activity and human threats.
2. Wagner’s viper is a rare type of snake found in northwestern Iran and eastern Turkey. It is critically endangered from habitat loss and illegal hunting.
3. Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake, inhabiting Isla Santa Catarina in the Gulf of California, is rare due to habitat size and feral cat introduction.
4. Short-Nosed Sea Snake, found off the coast of northwestern Australia faces threats from rising ocean temperatures.
5. Ross’ Wolf Snake, residing on Dalupiri Island in the Philippines, it suffers from habitat fragmentation and a lack of conservation measures.
6. St. Lucian Racer is native to a small islet in the Caribbean. It is the rarest snake, with fewer than 20 individuals remaining.
7. Antiguan Racer is another rare snake found on Antigua and Barbuda, it is critically endangered but recovering due to invasive species eradication.
8. Albany adder, found in South Africa, is endangered and rarely spotted, making its venom's impact on humans unknown.
9. The Stripped Blind Snake is native to Southeast Asia; it is rarely seen as it lives underground and was believed extinct until recently.