Tips To Boost Hair Health

Nourish from Within: Have a balanced diet with foods like leafy greens, eggs, almonds, and fish for healthy hair growth.

Stay Hydrated: Just like skin, hair needs hydration to stay healthy. Drink 2.5–3 litres of water daily and use moisturising shampoo and conditioner for healthy hair.

Minimise Heat Damage: Air dry or use low heat settings on styling tools. Keep the dryer 20 cm away from the scalp and use heat-protectant products.

Be Gentle: Use a wide-tooth comb or detangling brush to gently remove knots, starting from the ends. Use satin pillow covers and microfiber towels.

Sun Protection: Wear a hat or scarf outdoors and use leave-in conditioner with UV protection to shield hair from the sun.

Regular Trims: Trim hair every 8–12 weeks to remove split ends and promote healthy growth.

Use Quality Products: Choose hair care products with nourishing ingredients like vitamins, antioxidants, and essential oils.

Consider Supplements: Biotin supplements can strengthen hair from the inside out, promoting healthier locks.

Inputs by: Dr. Nandita Patel (MBBS, MD), Primary Consultant at Chicnutrix