International Yoga Day: Know The 8 Limbs Of Yoga The first limb of Yoga- Yama which includes five Yamas that is ahimsa, Satya, Asatya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha Second limb of yoga: Niyama, there are five niyamas- saucha, santosha, tapas, svadhaya, isvarapranidaha Third Limb of yoga: Asana is physical yoga poses. The Asanas includes many poses such as Virasna and Padmasna. Fourth Limb of yoga: Pranayama is based on breathing techniques like Kapalbhati is to control on breath. Fifth limb of yoga: Pratyahara, withdrawal from the senses means turning inward. Focusing on our breathing. Sixth Limb of yoga: Dharana means focused concentration is the first step to meditation. Seventh limb of yoga: Dhyana is a kind of meditative absorption means fully immersed in meditative process, an actual stage of meditation. Eight limb of yoga : Samadhi is freedom from illusion-oneness with all living things. It is a Pure bliss. Images: Canva and Instagram