The Brazilian Wandering Spider is venomous and is known for its potent neurotoxin that can cause severe pain and death.
Yellow Spiders are frequently found in homes, and their bites can cause pain, redness, swelling and possibly tissue damage.
Black Widow Spiders are notorious for their venom, which can cause severe pain, muscle aches and potentially life threatening injuries.
Redback spiders are extremely venomous and can cause severe pain and even death if left untreated.
The Brown Widow Spider's venomous bite, although less dangerous than other spiders, can cause pain and muscle spasms.
The Six-Eyed Sand Spider is a highly venomous spider. It can cause severe tissue damage and death with its bite.
Red Widow Spiders are highly venomous and their bites can be very painful and can cause potential health risks to humans.
Brown Recluse Spiders are highly venomous and their bites can cause tissue damage and are very dangerous.
The Funnel Web Spider is highly venomous, with bites causing severe pain and potentially life threatening reactions in humans.