9 Reasons To Explore The Majestic Ruins Of Hampi
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9 Reasons To Explore The Majestic Ruins Of Hampi

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/sivaprasaddillikkal
1. UNESCO World Heritage Site:
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1. UNESCO World Heritage Site:

Hampi in Karnataka was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. It's a historically significant destination of South India.

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2. Hiking And Rock Climbing:
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2. Hiking And Rock Climbing:

Hampi offers tourists a blend of adventure and fun. Travellers especially enjoy hiking through its scenic landscapes.

Image Source: Pinterest/anjali130707
3. Hippie Island:
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3. Hippie Island:

Hippie Island in Hampi offers scenic views and riverside stays. During their visit, tourists can enjoy a lot of activities here like bouldering to make the most of their journey.

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4. Elephant Stables:

Elephant Stables in Hampi are a stunning Indo Islamic architectural marvel. This grand place has eleven domed chamber which have intricate detailing.

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5. Coracle Ride:

Hampi also offers its tourists opportunities for a coracle ride. One can indulge in this unique experience along the Tungabhadra River. The place gives stunning views with boulders and ancient ruins.

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6. Matanga Hill:

Matanga Hill is a popular trekking spot among tourists in Hampi. This spot offers breathtaking panoramic views of the landscapes and panoramic views.

Image Source: Pinterest/jeannecomaskey
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7. Rich History:

Hampi boasta a rich history as the grand capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is filled with stunning temples, ruins, and legends.

Image Source: Pinterest/ziffytravelsa
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8. Stone Chariot:

The Stone Chariot is an iconic granite structure at the Vittala Temple. This stone chariot in Hampi symbolises the grandeur of the Vijayanagara Empire.

Image Source: Pinterest/Shalakathesunsetlover
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9. Stunning Architecture:

Hampi offers views of stunning architecture to its travellers. It has intricately carved temples, majestic stone chariots, and impressive ruins which reflect the rich culture and history of the place.

Image Source: Pinterest/bindiya108