9 Native Indian Dog Breeds You Should Know About

Published by: ABP Live
Image Source: Pinterest/ walkthroughindia.com

1. Indian Mastiff (Bully Kutta):

This breed is popular in the region of Punjab, they work for guarding and hunting.

Image Source: Pinterest/ Jaguar Clarke

2. Indian Pariah Dog:

This breed is known for its adaptability, intelligence, and strong survival instincts, making it a great companion.

Image Source: Pinterest/ dogexpress.in

4. Chippiparai:

This is a slender sighthound breed from Tamil Nadu, known for its athletic ability, calm temperament, and protective nature.

Image Source: Pinterest/ Dogs In The World

3. Rampur Greyhound:

These are the sighthound breed from Rampur, they are valued for their speed, stamina, and loyalty.

Image Source: Pinterest/ Dogs In The World

5. Himalayan Sheepdog:

The large and powerful breed from the Himalayas, known for its loyalty, intelligence, and ability to withstand cold weather.

Image Source: Pinterest/ DogSpot.in

6. Indian Spitz:

They are small to medium-sized breed with a fluffy white coat known for its lively and affectionate personality.

Image Source: Pinterest/ Adopt a Pet

7. Mudhol Hound:

They are ancient breeds from Karnataka, known for its speed, agility, and loyalty.

Image Source: Pinterest/ discover.hubpages.com

8. Kombai:

The sturdy breed from Tamil Nadu, known for its courage and strong prey drive.

Image Source: Pinterest/ Ravi Kumar

9. Rajapalayam:

The majestic Indian breed known for its striking white coat and loyal and protective nature, making it an excellent guard dog.

Image Source: Pinterest/ discover.hubpages.com