It's absolutely necessary to adjust watering routines. During winters, plants require less hydration, so it's important to check soil moisture before watering.
Trim all the yellow or brown leaves. It will maintain the plant's health and encourage growth.
Ensuring adequate lighting is extremely important to keep your plants healthy. Move them closer to the windows or use grow lights to compensate for reduced natural light.
Place water trays or use a humidifier to counteract the dry indoor air from the heating systems. Maintaining humidity levels at home will help thrive your plants at home.
Regularly inspect plants for pests like spider mites, aphids, or scale insects. Early detection helps prevent infestations and protects your indoor garden's health.
Clean the plant leaves gently to improve photosynthesis. This will keep the plants fresh and healthy.
Repotting plants is necessary if the roots are overcrowded. Repotting the plants into larger pots will give them more space to grow.
Cut the use of fertilisers during the colder months as plants grow slower. Over fertilising can harm the plant roots, leading them to become unhealthy.
Ensure that the pots you choose have proper drainage and avoid letting water sit in saucers. It will prevent root rot.