Animals have been observed showing strange behaviours before earthquakes. They become restless and even start fleeing. This behaviour remains an unsolved mystery and has no scientific basis.
Elephants displays mourning behaviours and show signs of sadness when a herd member dies. This emotional response has puzzled the scientists.
Octopuses, while sleeping show mysterious behaviours like changing colour and texture, possibly related to dreaming. Their complex nervous system and ability to change their appearance remain an unsolved mystery.
Sharks have got an extraordinary ability to navigate vast oceans. This precise mechanism behind their behaviour is a mystery to scientists.
Bees' communicate through waggle dance. This behaviour of bees remain a mystery even though it conveys distance and direction to food sources.
Cows align themselves with Earth's magnetic fields while they graze or rest. This behaviour is not backed up by any science and remains a mystery.
Crows are known to hold grudges. They also recognise and avoid humans who have wronged them. By doing so, they prove that they've got advanced memory and emotional intelligence, leaving scientists confused.
Cats purr when they are injured, stress, relaxed, or happy. Scientists are uncertain about the exact reason behind their behaviour of purring.
The irregular migration patterns of great white fish remain a mystery. Despite monitoring, scientists are still struggling to understand why their migrations are so unpredictable.