10 Fastest Animals In The Wild
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10 Fastest Animals In The Wild

Published by: ABP Live Lifestyle
Image Source: Canva
1. Cheetah:
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1. Cheetah:

The Cheetah is the fastest land animals. It has a lightweight body that and long legs that can speed up to 75 mph. Its powerful muscles enables rapid acceleration while hunting.

Image Source: Canva
2. Proghorn Antelope:
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2. Proghorn Antelope:

Proghorn Antelope is one of the fastest land animals. It excels in endurance and maintaining high speeds. It can reach up to 55 mpg. This wild animal speeds over long distances to run from its predators.

Image Source: Canva
3. Springbok:
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3. Springbok:

The springbok is an agile antelope known for its incredible speed and high leaps. It can reach up to 55 mph, using quick bursts to evade predators.
Springbok is an agile animal that has an incredible speed. It is known for the high leaps that it takes and for reaching up to 55 mph which helps it evade predators.

Image Source: Canva
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4. Wildebeest:

Wildebeest reach high speeds to run from predators. These swift runners migrate long distances across vast plains. They have high endurance and agility which help them increase their speed.

Image Source: Canva
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5. Lion:

Lion is a powerful predator that relies on its speed to chase its prey. It has the ability to sprint quickly over short distances. This wild animal uses its strength to hunt efficiently.

Image Source: Canva
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6. Blackbuck:

Blackbuck is an agile antelope that can reach up to 80 km/h. Its swift movements and incredible speed helps it escape predators.

Image Source: Pinterest/margaretworsham
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7. Brown Hare:

Brown Hare can reach up to 77 km/h. This fast runner has strong hind legs which help it escape predators across open fields and grasslands.

Image Source: Canva
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8. Kangaroo:

Kangaroos are known for their powerful jumps. These creatures can reach up to 44 mph. They have strong hind legs which help them quickly cover large distances.

Image Source: Canva
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9. Coyote:

Coyote is a swift runner that reaches impressive speeds to chase prey and evade predators. It has great endurance and agility which helps it survive in the wild, making it the top predators.

Image Source: Canva
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10. African Wild Dog:

African Wild Dog is a swift predator. It can reach up to 44 mph. It has high endurance which helps it chase down preys even over long distances.

Image Source: Canva