Kriti Sanon recently shared some pictures of herself on social media. In the pictures, the 'Adipurush' actress looks like a butterfly. Kriti can be seen wearing a beautiful maxi dress with floral designs on it. To complete her look, she opted for colourful make-up and kept her tresses open. Kriti Sanon wore neon pair of footwear with her off-shoulder maxi dress. Kriti Sanon is an avid social media user and keeps on updating her fans about her professional life. Kriti Sanon is currently gearing up for her upcoming movie 'Hum Do Hamare Do'. She will be seen featuring opposite Rajkummar Rao in this family drama. 'Hum Do Hamare Do' will premiere on the OTT platform on October 29, 2021. Kriti will also feature in 'Adipurush', 'Bachchan Pandey', 'Bhediya' and 'Shehzada'.