Kriti Sanon Enjoys Trip With Sister Nupur Sanon During Birthday Week Kriti Sanon recently enjoyed a trip with sister Nupur Sanon and her friends. Kriti and Nupur went for the trip during the 'Mimi' actor's birthday week. Kriti Sanon recently celebrated her 33rd birthday on July 27. The actress shared a series of pictures and videos from her trip on Instagram. The Sanon sisters had a gala time during the trip. Sharing the pictures, Kriti wrote, 'And it went likeβ¦#BirthdayWeek π¦π' Nupur Sanon commented on Kriti's post, 'Lalalala sister trip is the BEST in the world! π π¦ππ΄' Kriti Sanon and Nupur Sanon are one of the popular celebrity siblings. All Media: @kritisanon/instagram.