Komal Pandey Dazzles In A Gorgeous Pink Lehenga Taking to her Instagram handle, Komal gave a glimpse of her ethnic wardrobe to her fans. From the caption, it can be guessed that Komal is indeed proud of her lehengas. She wrote, 'my lehenga collection is my real dhan' Her outfit comprised a pink and white sleeveless blouse with a plunging neckline that she paired with a matching skirt and white dupatta. Komal also adorned her hands with henna patterns. She paired her outfit with a statement necklace and had a blue potli bag in her carrying. To complete her look, she opted for heavy makeup comprising a plum shade lipstick, eyeliner and tied her hair into a neat bun. To give a traditional touch, she also adorned her bun with flowers. All images: Instagram/Komal Pandey