The younger daughter of late Sridevi and Boney Kapoor, Khushi stepped out for a dinner date rocking an all black look. The popular star-kid looked stunning in a black co-ord set. Khushi Kapoor stepped out for a dinner date with some of her close friends. Khushi was also accompanied by her rumoured boyfriend Aakash Mehta. Last month Khushi had even wished Aakash with this adorable pic of the rumoured lovebirds. The young diva who is all set for debut in Bollywood grabbed limelight in her stunning look. Besides Khushi, 3 other popular star-kids- Suhana Khan, Shanaya Kapoor and Ananya Panday were also spotted in the same restaurant. Shanaya, Ananya and Suhana posing for the paps. The girls oozed oomph in their stunning avatar on their dinner date. All Pics & Video Credit: Manav Manglani