Blast In Bengaluru's Rameshwaram Cafe An explosion occurred at Rameshwaram Cafe in the capital city Bengaluru on Friday The cafe is one of the popular hangouts and is usually crowded during lunch hours The visuals of the explosion were captured in the CCTV installed in the cafe Karnataka Director General of Police (DGP) Alok Mohan said that nine people were injured in the blast Initially, it was suspected that a gas leak could have triggered the blast. The fire department, however, said a bag was found at the spot The blast site was swiftly attended by police and fire brigade teams, with forensic experts collecting evidence The area was secured, and the injured were taken to the hospital for medical attention Karnataka Deputy CM DK Shivakumar and State Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara along with DGP Alok Mohan visited the explosion site (All Photos: PTI/ANI)