Karishma Tanna is currently vacationing with husband Varun Bangera in Europe. Karishma is giving glimpse of her vacation through her Instagram photos and reels. The actress has been holidaying at Cannes, Barcelona, Marbella, Mallorca among other places. Karisma's vacation style has been on point. She has kept her looks casual and comfortable. Karishma and Varun Bangera got married earler this year in Mumbai. Several of her friends from TV industry including Ekta Kapoor, Anita Hassanandani, attended the wedding in Goa. Karishma was earlier engaged to actor Upen Patel. Karisma also shared various reels from her vacation. In this reel, the actress has given a sneak peek of her day at Cannes. Here Karishma can be seen dancing her heart out on a yacht.