Manish Malhotra's 56th birthday bash was a star studded event with popular celebs arriving in black outfits. The stylish girl squad of the Kapoor and Arora sisters. Nora Fatehi turned heads with her lacy black dress. Kartik Aaryan looked dapper in his all black ensemble. Shweta Bachchan and Bhavana Pandey struck a pose together. Vaani Kapoor looked lovely in a printed white strappy dress. Khushi Kapoor opted for a strappy floral printed dress. Sara Ali Khan kept it casual in denims. Karisma Kapoor looked an absolute diva in a black pantsuit. Sanjay Kapoor kept it casual while Maheep looked stylish in a shiny dress. Gauri Khan slayed the bold black look like a pro. Sisters Shilpa and Shamita kept it funky and chic. Sonali Bendre exuded swag in maroon shirt and matching leather pants. Pooja Hegde kept it comfy in a printed mini dress. Karan Johar looked in his element in a black jacket and pink pants.