Here are viral pics of Kareena Kapoor & her sons- Taimur & Jeh from Inaaya Naumi Kemmu's birthday party. Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu hosted a unicorn-themed party for daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu. The birthday bash was Kareena Kapoor and sons: Taimur & Jeh Ali Khan, along with Saif's eldest son Ibrahim. Kareena shared pic of her son Taimur and her stepson Ibrahim getting matching tattoos. Kareena Kapoor with baby son Jeh Ali Khan. Cutie Taimur Ali Khan arriving at the bash. Kareena Kapoor arriving at the bash with younger son Jeh Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor looked lovely in her printed suit as she arrived at the bash. Saif Ali Khan's eldest son Ibrahim Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor and Neha Dhupia posing for a selfie