Karan Deol And Drisha Acharya Wedding Album Karan Deol and Drisha Acharya got married in a dreamy wedding ceremony on Sunday. The couple looks made for each other in the wedding pictures. Karan took his baraat on a horse accompanied by the Deols. The Baraatis including Sunny, Bobby and Abhay Deol had a blast. Karan and Drisha's wedding reception on Sunday was a star studded event. From Salman and Aamir Khan to Ranveer and Deepika, popular celebs were in attendance. For the reception party, Karan looked dapper in a black tuxedo while Drisha looked stunning in a pastel gown. For their Sangeet ceremony on Friday, the couple twinned in matching black outfits with heavy embroidery. All Image: @iamkarandeol, @abhaydeol, manav manglani.