Kantara has been receiving rave reviews from across the country Recently, The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri was all praise for Kantara Kantara is a Kannada language film Kantara has been directed by Rishab Shetty who is also the lead actor of the film Kantara's recent release in Hindi dubbed version has given new life and appreciation to it Among other things, audiences have called the film different Kantara has a rating of 9.2 by more than 56K votes on ratings site IMDb Kantara's (Hindi) is giving stiff competition to big Diwali releases like Thank God, Ram Setu Kantara has become the second highest grossing Kannada film of all time As per Taran Adarsh, Kantara ( Hindi) collected Rs. 38.55 CR on Day 16, way better than most films in their opening weekend